12th Annual Conference of the GCLC


Thursday 26.01.17 00:00 to Friday 27.01.17 00:00


Residence Palace
Rue de la Loi 155
1048 Brussels

Dynamic markets and dynamic enforcement: Which competition policy for a world in flux?

The advent of the digital revolution combined with the globalization process and, at EU level, the completion of the Single Market, have transformed the way businesses compete in today’s world. These phenomena are said to have significantly accelerated innovation cycles and the pace of change across many industries, while challenging the relevance of competition to deliver optimal welfare outcomes. Against this background, the conference will explore how competition policy has faced and accompanied the emergence of increasingly dynamic market environments and how it has developed strategies to ensure its lasting relevance both in the design of substantive principles and in enforcement practices. Likewise, it will attempt to capture how the implementation of innovative enforcement tools has affected outcomes and the evolution of the law. Associating lawyers and economists, practitioners and academics, the conference will therefore seek to assess the interplay between dynamic markets and dynamic enforcement strategies with a view to contributing to the design of an optimal competition policy for today’s world in flux.



Wolfgang Kerber

Mike Walker

Pascale Déchamps

Guillaume Loriot

Pierre Régibeau

David Evans / Juan Delgado

Alexandre de Streel

Pablo Ibanez-Colomo

Kris Dekeyser

Peter Camesasca

Rafique Bachour

Alix Muller-Rappard

Jérémie Jourdan