20th Bruges Colloquium in cooperation with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)


Thursday 17.10.19 00:00 to Friday 18.10.19 00:00


Room E
Paul Henri Spaak building
Dijver 11
8000 Bruges

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the College of Europe were pleased to organize the 20th Bruges Colloquium on International Humanitarian Law. This year’s edition focused on "Legal challenges for protecting and assisting in current armed conflicts".

For the 20th edition of the Bruges Colloquium, leading academics, practitioners and international experts examined several legal challenges raised by contemporary armed conflicts. The programme here below provides you with an overview of the topics covered. It includes discussions on the increasing complexity of armed conflicts due to the different actors involved, on the use of new technologies as a means or methods of warfare, as well as on the protection of the natural environment during armed conflicts.

More information on www.coe-icrc.eu
For further information, please contact: skolanowski [at] icrc.org or ehoutave [at] icrc.org, ICRC Brussels.


20th Bruges Colloquium in cooperation with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)

All NEWS from the College of Europe Development Office