9th Annual Conference of the GCLC: Antitrust Damages in EU Law and Policy


Thursday 07.11.13 00:00 to Friday 08.11.13 00:00


Residence Pl
Residence Palace
155 Rue de la Loi
BE-1040 Bruxelles

This conference is dedicated to antitrust damages in EU law and policy. It explores the various issues that arise over the life-cycle of an action for damages before national courts, or in the context of alternative dispute resolution proceedings. A key objective of this conference is to discuss the Commission’s reform package adopted in June 2013, i.e. the proposed Directive, the non-binding recommendation on collective redress and the Communication on quantifying antitrust harm. Under each of the topics discussed, an academic paper will serve as a platform for discussion.


Please register online: https://9thgclcannualconference.eventbrite.com