"Brexit, the EU and the Politics of Ambivalence" (Prof. K. NICOLAÏDIS) — 2019 Annual Lecture of the Journal of European Integration


Monday 07.10.19 19:30 to 21:30


Auditorium 1
Verversdijk, Bruges campus
Verversdijk 16
8000 Brugge

In 2018, the Journal of European Integration has celebrated its 40th anniversary with a first Annual Lecture. On 7 October 2019, Professor Kalypso NICOLAÏDIS (Oxford) gave the second one, at the College of Europe, entitled "Brexit, the EU and the Politics of Ambivalence", on the occasion of the publication of her new book Exodus, Reckoning, Sacrifice. Three Meanings of Brexit. 

The lecture took place on 7 October 2019, from 19:30 to 21:30, in Auditorium 1, on the Verversdijk campus of the College of Europe (16 Verversdijk, 8000 Brugge).

The event was followed by a reception.

The lecture was live streamed on this page.



About the Annual Lecture

“Brexit, the EU and the Politics of Ambivalence”

In her new book, published through crowdfunding by Unbound, Kalypso NICOLAÏDIS steps out of the bounds of traditional academia to offer a unique take both on Brexit and on the power of mythical stories to frame our democratic conversation. She conjures up three archetypes to explore the competing visions that have clashed so dramatically over the meaning of Brexit, whether as the ultimate demonstration of British exceptionalism, a harbinger of terrible truths for the EU and the West or a sacrifice on the altar of EU unity. 

While she castigates the European project for its failure to accommodate the longings of the continent in all their glorious variety, she contends with the ironic possibility that after and perhaps because of Brexit, the EU will live up to the pluralist ideals that define both the best of Britain and the best of Europe.  Ultimately, the book offers a plea for a smarter, kinder Brexit 2.0 and for acknowledging each other’s stories, with their many variants, ambiguities and contradictions.

Following introductory remarks by Thomas CHRISTIANSEN, the lecture will be moderated by Olivier COSTAAna E. JUNCOS GARCIA will provide some concluding remarks.

About the Speaker

Kalypso NICOLAÏDIS is Professor of International Relations at the University of Oxford; previously at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government, she has worked with numerous EU institutions, including as a member of the European Council’s reflection group on the future of Europe chaired by Felipe GONZALES. Her research interests revolve around EU and global governance and sustainable integration, trade and regulation, theaters of recognition, democratic theory, solidarity and empathy,  post-colonialism, myth and politics. Publications can be found on her website: www.kalypsonicolaidis.com

About the Journal

Established in 1978, the Journal of European Integration is a leading journal that publishes scholarly work from a variety of disciplinary or multidisciplinary perspectives, ranging from political science and political economy to public administration, law, history, sociology and cultural studies, on all aspects of the European integration process. European integration is broadly understood as pan-European process rather than merely the European Union, though the majority of our contributions might be devoted to the latter. We also publish comparative studies of federalism, regional integration and other forms of multilateral cooperation, as well as articles dealing with the European Union’s external relations and its global role, be it concerning economic, diplomatic or security relations. The main purpose of the Journal of European Integration is to serve a broad readership which implies that articles should be of a wider relevance rather than of a highly technical or narrow nature. The emphasis should be on scholarly work and should provide, in particular, analysis rather than description or assertion.

The JEI Editorial Team

The editorial team consists of Executive Editor Thomas CHRISTIANSEN (University LUISS-Guido Carli, Rome) and Associate Editors Olivier COSTA (CNRS, Bordeaux / College of Europe, Bruges), Mai’a K. Davis CROSS (Northeastern University, Boston) and Ana E. JUNCOS (Bristol University).  Emil KIRCHNER (University of Essex) is Advisory Editor and Chair of the Editorial Advisory Board. Dr Johan ADRIAENSEN (Maastricht University) is Review Article Editor, and Guilia GALLINELLA (University LUISS-Guido Carli of Rome) Editorial Manager (jei [at] luiss.it).

More information: Frederik MESDAG.