CANCELLED - Conference with Paul MAGNETTE – Debating CETA and the EU Integration Project


Thursday 19.01.17 17:45 to 19:15


Room VE.AUD.1
Verversdijk, Bruges campus
Verversdijk 16
8000 Brugge

Paul MAGNETTE, Ministre-Président de Wallonie, est contraint d’annuler sa conférence de ce soir au sujet du CETA, en raison des développements de la situation politique intérieure.

Il est vraiment navré de cela, et vous présente toutes ses excuses. 

L’équipe de la semaine nationale conviendra rapidement avec lui d’une autre date pour cette conférence. 


The students of the Benelux national week of the College of Europe, Bruges campus are pleased to invite you to their conference with speaker Mr Paul MAGNETTE. 

Mr Paul MAGNETTE has dominated the latest international news, becoming known as the "little Walloon" who froze the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) which has been negotiated during more than two years between the EU and Canada.

The current Minister-President of Wallonia is a successful young man in the political arena of Belgium, although he always kept a keen interest in EU affairs. Indeed, before entering into politics in 2007 Mr Paul MAGNETTE was a renowned professor of Political Science and European Studies at the Univeristé Libre de Bruxelles (ULB).

It can be affirmed that he clearly embodies the current Belgian and possibly European socialist vision. We are therefore extremely honoured to invite you to this conference of Minister-President and Professor Paul MAGNETTE discussing the CETA story and his vision of the European integration.

For any further information, please contact harrison.dans [at] (Harrison DANS), student at the College of Europe responsible for the Benelux National Week.