Conference: "Changing International Order: A View from Down Under" with H.E. Mr Paul WOJCIECHOWSKI, Australian Ambassador to Poland


Wednesday 16.01.19 11:00 to 12:30


Paderewski Hall

On Wednesday, 16 January 2019, the students of College of Europe in Natolin had the pleasure to participate in a conference with a special guest, H.E. Mr Paul WOJCIECHOWSKI, Australian Ambassador to Poland. The conference "Changing International Order: A View from Down Under", was organized by the College of Europe Young Diplomats Society.

The conference gave a unique opportunity to discuss the Australian Foreign Policy White Paper, where the Ambassador highlighted the importance of strong relations with the European Union, as well as with Poland. In the course of the event, H.E. Mr WOJCIECHOWSKI and the students talked about the role of Australia in Asia and more specifically in the Indo-Pacific region.

Attention was brought also regarding the Australian migration policy which emphasizes that the country’s doors are open to anyone who migrates legally.  H.E. Mr WOJCIECHOWSKI explained that the country’s openness toward migration comes as a result of Australia’s diverse population and the fact that 30% of Australians were born outside of the country.

The discussion was held under Chatham House rules.