ENP Chair Literary Talk on the Human(e) Dimension of the War in Ukraine: "AMOR[T]E: A Tale of Love in A Wartime Donetsk"


Monday 20.02.17 19:00 to 20:30


Auditorium Curie-Skłodowska
Natolin (Warsaw) Campus
ul. Nowoursynowska 84
PL-02/797 Warszawa

Ever since one of the most violent wars in the heart of modern Europe erupted, much has been said in academia and in the international media about the causes and contexts of the conflict in Ukraine, its facets, lessons to be learnt, as well as alternative futures in the event that the conflict will not be resolved. There is, however, one dimension that has been largely neglected by the great-power talks on the war in Ukraine – the human dimension.

It is precisely in order to address this lacuna that the European Neighbourhood Policy Chair at the Natolin campus of the College of Europe organized an ENP Chair Literary Talk, offering the audience an opportunity to engage in a conversation with the author of the recently published novel Amor[t]e, Ms Oleksandra IWANIUK, and one of its protagonists, Ms Francesca LEONARDI, as well as Dr Andriy TYUSHKA, Research Fellow in the ENP Chair.

Unlike the existing body of fictional literature revolving around the war in Ukraine and its repercussions on citizens' attitudes towards Ukrainian statehood, Amor[t]e is a story of love in times of war – it is emotional and profoundly humane, and inspired by real-life events. Amor[t]e is based on the true story of Francesca who went to Donetsk to learn Russian at the beginning of 2013 where she met a history teacher, civic activist, and soldier – Yuriy – who dreamed of making Donetsk a Ukrainian-speaking city.


  • Dr Andriy TYUSHKA, Research Fellow, ENP Chair, College of Europe Natolin campus
  • Ms Oleksandra IWANIUK, College of Europe Natolin campus alumna and book author of Amor[t]e
  • Ms Francesca LEONARDI, Protagonist of Amor[t]e

This event was a unique opportunity to discuss the conflict in Ukraine from a different perspective, shedding light on the intersection of love, politics and war.

ENP Chair Literary Talk on the Human(e) Dimension of the War in Ukraine: "AMOR[T]E: A Tale of Love in A Wartime Donetsk".20 February 2017