European Horizons Conference: Youth Summit on the Transatlantic Digital Economy


Sunday 20.11.16 00:00 to Tuesday 22.11.16 00:00


Verversdijk, Campus de Bruges
Verversdijk 16
8000 Brugge

From 20 to 22 November 2016, the European Horizons’ first Youth Summit gathered at the College of Europe Bruges campus in Belgium, to focus on the topic of the “Transatlantic Digital Economy.”

With the advent of the digital economy, emerging technologies, and challenges around data protection, a proper transatlantic dialogue is needed more than ever.  European Horizons’ Youth Summit sparks a conversation among EU policymakers, think tank experts, representatives from the tech industry, and students from across the United States and Europe.

The purpose of the Youth Summit on the Transatlantic Digital Economy was to elaborate a set of policy options that current young leaders deem essential for advancing the transatlantic digital agenda. The unique advantage of students and young professionals on both sides of the Atlantic, is that they have access to the American and European perspectives alike, and that they deliberately and carefully challenge the status quo. The Summit hence gathered the most motivated members of European Horizons for the purpose of:

  1. elaborating clear policy options for European Horizons around the transatlantic digital economy and;
  2. delineating an internal chapter roadmap for 2017.

Following the Digital economy Youth Summit hosted by the Bruges campus, the College of Europe wishes to highlight the closing speech focusing on Dignity, which was delivered by M. Alex FRANK. Indeed, the speech compliments European values and emphasizes that it is the right moment for student's networks to face up the difficult challenges facing the EU and transatlantic relationships.

The next event takes place in Yale from 10 to 12 February 2017. More information on this event.

More information:

Contact: Dimitra CHRYSOMALLIS