Guest lecture by Professor Thornike GORDADZE: "Georgia's national identity politics and regional geopolitical trends"


Friday 10.03.17 19:15 to 20:45


Auditorium Curie-Skłodowska
Natolin (Warsaw) Campus
ul. Nowoursynowska 84
PL-02/797 Warszawa

On 10 March 2017, Professor Thorniké GORDADZE, Lecturer at the Paris Institute of Political Studies, Sciences-Po and Associate Researcher at the Centre for International Research and Studies (CERI), came to the Natolin campus of the College of Europe to deliver a lecture on "Georgia's national identity politics and regional geopolitical trends".

The guest lecture was organized in the framework of the preparation for the second semester study trip week to Georgia and Armenia titled "Managing the Multifaceted Dimensions of (In-)Security in the South Caucasus". Regional security in the Southern Caucasus, energy security and social security were among the topics at the core of the academic programme of this study trip. Additionally, it provided students the opportunity to become acquainted with Georgia's and Armenia's rich histories and cultures.

About the speaker:
Professor Thorniké GORDADZE is a former State Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of the Republic of Georgia and Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Georgia in charge of European Affairs and Cooperation with NATO. He has been the Chief Negotiator for Georgia on the Association Agreement and the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (DCFTA) negotiations with the EU. He has also been the Chief Negotiator for Georgia on visa liberalization talks with the EU in 2012. Currently he is Head of the Research and Studies Department at the Institute for Higher National Defense Studies in Paris, France. He teaches at the Paris Institute of Political Studies, at the University of Paris Pantheon Assas and at the Institute of Political Studies of Lille. He is also Associate Researcher at the Centre for International Research and Studies (CERI).