Guest lectures by Dr Olaf OSICA: "Geopolitics of the Baltic Region" and "The elusive quest for a European defence policy"


Monday 06.02.17 16:30 to Tuesday 07.02.17 18:30


Room R1
Natolin (Warsaw) Campus
ul. Nowoursynowska 84
PL-02/797 Warszawa

On 6 and 7 February 2017, Dr Olaf OSICA, Consultant and Analyst at Polityka Insight, came to the Natolin campus of the College of Europe to deliver two lectures on "Geopolitics of the Baltic Region" and "The elusive quest for a European defence policy".

The first guest lecture was organized in the framework of the preparation for the second semester study trip week to the Baltic Region titled "The Baltic and European (In)Security Dilemmas", which foresaw visits to the Kaliningrad Oblast, Estonia, and Latvia, where Natolin students gained not only valuable access to first-hand knowledge and expertise in the field of (European) security studies, but also an insight into regional-cultural diversity.

The second guest lecture introduced the study trip week to Brussels and Bruges titled "The EU’s Quest for (Renewed) Legitimacy", during which students were invited to speak to politicians, experts, and policy-makers on topics such as trade agreements, Brexit, and the issue of defence, as they attempted to understand and assess the current state of the EU's legitimacy.

  • "Geopolitics of the Baltic Region" // 6 February 2017, 16:30:
    In this first lecture, Dr OSICA mapped the "Baltic region" in the geopolitical context; outlined its historical and contemporary significance as a critical security juncture; explored and explained regional security perceptions and securitization trends from within, as well as analyzed the impact of external factors on both the shaping of perceptions and the contemporary security and defence efforts.
  • "The elusive quest for a European defence policy" // 7 February 2017, 18:30:
    In the second lecture, Dr OSICA addressed the issue of European defence policy and the EU’s role in providing security to the EU citizens in light of current security challenges. He scrutinized recent EU initiatives in this area, such as the talks around the creation of an EU Army and of a European Defence Union, and discussed the likelihood of their implementation as well as the effects on the architecture of European security they might produce.

About the speaker:
Dr Olaf OSICA is Director for Risk Assessment at the Analytical Centre Polityka Insight, and Chairman of the Advisory Council of the Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW)—a Warsaw based research institute—where he previously served as Executive Director (2011-2016).