High-level Interdisciplinary Conference on the Future of Europe


Thursday 28.01.21 00:00 to Friday 29.01.21 00:00


Verversdijk, Bruges campus
Verversdijk 16
8000 Brugge

Conscious of the democratic importance of the upcoming Conference on the Future of Europe and in order to foster a dialogue between European scholarship, policy-makers and civil society, the European Legal Studies Department and the European Political and Governance Studies Department of the College of Europe, together with the European Law Journal, organised of a High-Level Interdisciplinary Conference on THE FUTURE OF EUROPE. It took place fully online on Thursday 28 and Friday 29 January 2021. 

The event involved practitioners, academic experts and representatives from the civil society.

The papers presented at the conference will be published in special issues of the European Law Journal, edited by Dr CAUNES.

For more information on the programme, please click here.

Recordings of the conference

Introduction by Rector Federica MOGHERINI and the conference organizers, Olivier COSTA, Inge GOVAERE, Karine CAUNES and Sacha GARBEN

Keynote speech by President David SASSOLI

Session 1 chaired by Inge GOVAERE: Olivier DE SCHUTTER - Upholding EU Values - Democracy, Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights, Andrea RENDA - Digital Europe, Elspeth GUILD - Migration and Asylum, Panel by Michele CHANG, Philippe DE BRUYCKER, Paul NEMITZ, Ayoub MAHI 

Session 2 chaired by Olivier COSTA: Josephine VAN ZEBEN - European Green Deal, Amandine CRESPY - Competitive Social Market Economy, Panel by Dirk BUSCHLE, Alexander SCHUSTER

Session 3 chaired by Sieglinde GSTÖHL: Philipp DE BAERE - Trade, Ramses WESSEL - CSFP-CDSP, Panel by Christophe HILLION, Jacques PELKMANS, Guillaume VAN DER LOO, Juan Manuel SANCHEZ

Session 4 chaired by Karine CAUNES: Alberto ALEMANNO and Kalypso NICOLAÏDIS - Citizens' Participation, Direct Democracy Tools and Judicial Aspects, Olivier COSTA - Election Reforms - European Lists, Lead-Candidates and Other Reform, Diane FROMAGE - What Role for National Parliaments?, Panel by Karine AUEL, Sandor LOEFFEN, Juuso JÄRVINIEMI

Session 5 chaired by Sacha GARBEN: Alexander TÜRK - Acts - Legislative, Delegated Acts, Comitology and Interinstitutional Conundrum, Christopher LORD - Actors - Should we further Democratise EU Decision-Making, Michael KAEDING - Differentiation, Multi-Speed Europe or Advanced Cooperation and ad hoc Mechanisms, Richard CROWE - Budgetary Issues, Panel by Paul MAGNETTE, María José MARTINEZ IGLESIAS, Ellen VOS, Fryderyk LACHAISE


Contact: valerie.hauspie [at] coleurope.eu (Valérie HAUSPIE)