Honorary Lecture by Professor Robert HINE: "Sink or swim? UK trade arrangements post Brexit"


Wednesday 08.02.17 14:00


Auditorium 2
Verversdijk, Bruges campus
Verversdijk 16
8000 Brugge

On the 8th of February, Professor Robert HINE delivered an honorary lecture entitled "Sink or swim? UK trade arrangements post Brexit" which was followed by a discussion with Anthony GARDNER, former U.S. ambassador to the European Union. 

The two speakers then opened the floor to questions from the audience.

The Rector MONAR, officially confered the title of Honorary Professor to Professor HINE for thirty years of teaching at the College of Europe in several study programmes.


This lecture was open to public. 

For more information, please contact samuel.verschraegen [at] coleurope.eu

Honorary Lecture by Professor Robert HINE: "Sink or swim? UK trade arrangements post Brexit".8 February 2017

About Professor Hine

Professor Robert HINE teaches European Economics at the University of Nottingham and has been visiting professor at the College of Europe since 1986/87. His research has focused on international trade, European trade policy and the Common Agricultural Policy. He has authored and co-edited a number of books including:
The Political Economy of European Trade (1985);
Global Protectionism (1991);
Regionalism in the World Economy (1992);
Agriculture in the Uruguay Round (1993);
The reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (1997);
Intra-Industry Trade and Adjustment: the European Experience (1999).
He has contributed articles to journals including The Economic Journal, The European Journal of Political Economy, The Journal of Common Market Studies and Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv.