Joint event IEE/CoE: Debates on the future of Europe


Wednesday 16.06.21 00:00


Université libre de Bruxelles

On Wednesday 16 June 2021, the European Political and Governance Studies Department (POL) and the Institute for European Studies (IEE) organized a joint event on the future of Europe at the Université libre de Bruxelles. 25 students from each institution had the opportunity to discuss and propose potential reforms of the Union.

The day started with a keynote speech delivered by Federica MOGHERINI (Rector of the College of Europe), after an introduction by Annemie SCHAUS (Rector of the Université libre de Bruxelles). Professors Ramona COMAN (IEE President) and Olivier COSTA (Director of the Department of European Political and Governance Studies) concluded the morning session.

In the afternoon, five panel discussions covered the following thematic areas:

  • The institutional framework of the EU;
  • Enlargement and neighbourhood policy;
  • Policies and responses to Europe's challenges;
  • Europe in the world: towards strategic autonomy;
  • Economic governance of the EU.

This one-day event ended with conclusions of each panel and a nice reception in the institute's garden. Congratulations to College students for their participation and contributions. The POL department also thanks all organisers for this fruitful cooperation, especially the Students' Association of the Institute for European Studies (SAIES). Rendez-vous est pris pour l'année prochaine !