"Standing guard over the cyberspace?" - Final Conference of the Simulation Game of the Department of Political and Governance Studies


Thursday 31.01.19 14:30 to 16:30


Auditorium 1
Verversdijk, Bruges campus
Verversdijk 16
8000 Brugge

On Thursday 31 January 2019, the College of Europe welcomed the key players negotiating the Commission's Proposal on the Removal of Terrorist Content Online, a file that has been highly debated due to the sensitivity of the topic and the recent terrorist attacks in Europe. 

Organised in the framework of the simulation exercise of the Department of European Political and Governance Studies, the event brought to a close the 3-week-long negotiations by the students, and provided an opportunity to both test and present the outcome of the simulation to the policy-makers involved in the real-life negotiations on the file. 

The panel of the conference was composed of the following speakers:

  • Harriet CARR, Assistant to Rapporteur Daniel DALTON, (MEP), European Parliament
  • Lorenzo CHIRIATTI, General Counsel, Register.it S.p.A., CISPE Member
  • Alex MÄKELÄ, Former Policy Analyst at Facebook
  • Marco PANCINI, Director of Public Policy, Youtube
  • Ben PUGSLEY, Advisor to the EU Counter-Terrorism Coordinator, Council of the European Union
  • Julie RUFF, Deputy Head of Unit, DG CNECT, European Commission*

* joining via videoconference

For more information, please contact rachele.tesei [at] coleurope.eu (Rachele TESEI)