STUDENT EVENT// "Competition v. Regulation in the Digital Era: Fast and Serious" Webinar


Tuesday 20.04.21 09:00 to 10:30

The Competition Society and the 2020-2021 ELEA promotion have the great pleasure to invite you to their compact webinar « Competition v. Regulation in the Digital Era: Fast and Serious » on Tuesday 20th April.

The panel consists of members of the French, British and Australian Competition Authorities, as well as of DG COMP, and will be moderated by Professor Philip MARSDEN. Panelists will discuss the adoption of the new body of rules targeting the digital sector and the examples of the competition issues surrounding media publishers and platforms.

It will be a morning event, from 9:00 to 10:30am, Brussels/Paris time. The event is open to students and academics outside the College, so feel free to share it and invite your friends.

A WebEx link to join the event will be sent to you on the day of the event. Please note that registration is mandatory, link here.