Study trip to Geneva of the Department of EU International Relations and Diplomacy Studies


Monday 20.03.17 00:00 to Thursday 23.03.17 00:00

From 20-23 March 2017, the students of EU International Relations and Diplomacy Studies visited Geneva, the European headquarters of the United Nations and home to many other international and non-governmental organisations and think tanks. They enjoyed high-level lectures and participated in debates on various aspects of multilateral diplomacy at the United Nations Palais des Nations, at the World Trade Organisation, at the EU Delegation to the UN and EU Mission to the World Trade Organization, and at the Geneva Internet Platform. Students also had the option to visit the Geneva Centre for Security Policy, the International Committee of the Red Cross or the World Economic Forum. The study trip benefited from the support of the Swiss Mission to the UN, the Republic and State of Geneva, and the Fondation pour Genève. It also included a networking evening with Geneva-based alumni.

Study trip to Geneva of the Department of EU International Relations and Diplomacy Studies