Training course for members of SIECA (Secretaría de Integración Económica Centroamericana)


Monday 27.03.17 00:00 to Friday 31.03.17 00:00


Room F
Dijver, Bruges campus
Dijver 11
8000 Bruges

From Monday 27 to Friday 31 March 2017, the College of Europe Development Office organized a five-day training course on the “EU and External Trade” for a group of 19 officials coming from SIECA (Secretaría de Integración Económica Centroamericana), an economic regional organisation based in Guatemala and composed of 6 member states (Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panamá, Costa Rica and El Salvador).

Training course for members of SIECA

The course is in Spanish and consists of four modules. A first module about the EU institutional architecture; a second module about the Common Commercial Policy and the EU external trade relations; a third module on the role of the EU at the WTO and the latest developments on the Trade Facilitation Agreement and the TRIPS Agreement; and a final module on how to negotiate an FTA with the EU. The course also features a visit to the main EU Institutions in Brussels.

This course is organized within the framework of the PRAIAA project, whose purpose is to contribute to the implementation of the Association Agreement between the EU and Central America, signed in 2012.

More information about the College of Europe tailor-made courses: 

All NEWS from the College of Europe Development Office