Visit of Mr Didier REYNDERS, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Affairs of Belgium


Tuesday 14.03.17 16:00 to 17:15


Auditorium Curie-Skłodowska
Natolin (Warsaw) Campus
ul. Nowoursynowska 84
PL-02/797 Warszawa

On 14 March 2017, Mr Didier REYNDERS, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Affairs of Belgium, visited the Natolin campus of the College of Europe.

Mr REYNDERS addressed Natolin students in a lecture titled "The Future of Europe", followed by a Q&A session.

To learn more about Mr Didier REYNDERS please see his biography.

Visit of Mr Didier REYNDERS, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Affairs of Belgium.14 March 2017