Rector MOGHERINI participates in The 2nd Tokyo Global Dialogue (26/02)

On Friday, 26 February 2021 (9.00-10.30 CET), Rector MOGHERINI participates in The 2nd Tokyo Global Dialogue: "The Indo-Pacific of Today and Tomorrow: Transformation of the Strategic Landscape and International Response", organised by the Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA).

Rector MOGHERINI will contribute to the breakout session titled: "Europe's View of the Strategic Transformation".

Dr Ken ENDO, Dean, Graduate School of Public Policy, Hokkaido University/ Adjunct Fellow,
The Japan Institute of International Affairs


  • Ms Federica MOGHERINI, Rector, College of Europe;
  • Dr Robin NIBLETT CMG, Director and Chief Executive, Chatham House;
  • Dr Daniela SCHWARZER, Director, German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP);
  • Dr Bruno TERTRAIS, Deputy Director, The Foundation for Strategic Research (FRS).

This session will shed fresh light on the potentials and constraints of the Euro-Japanese cooperation over the Indo-Pacific. Amid the Covid-19 pandemic, Joe Biden’s victory brought some relief for the US allies. However, as the Sino-American rivalry is unlikely to be eased soon, Japan and the European countries will have to navigate their way in a rough sea with no clear view. The common problem here is to reconcile the two imperatives: maintaining stable economic relations while confronting China's actions that threaten its values and interests. It is high time to explore the real potentials and constraints for Japan and Europe to cooperate over the Indo-Pacific, which is likely to be a central stage for these problems and the key to shaping the international order in the 21st century.

For registration and live-stream, please see the Tokyo Global Dialogue website.
Event registration is required in advance.
