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WIEGAND G. - Understanding EU Diplomacy in Practice through the Lens of Case Studies (20h)

This compulsory course aims to provide students with an in-depth understanding of the diplomacy of the European Union (EU) as a multilateral actor in a multipolar and disruptive world, from the perspective of a practitioner. It starts with a brief introduction to diplomacy and how EU diplomacy differs from national diplomacy, what the roles and required skills of diplomats are, and which tools the EU has at its disposal. The course is then structured around six concrete case studies reflecting the development of EU relations with third countries/regions, to illustrate the instruments, mechanisms, and impact of EU diplomacy. These include the development of the EU’s relations with major powers like the United States, China and Russia, the EU’s negotiations with Iran, its engagement in Afghanistan as well as the crafting and roll-out of its recent Indo-Pacific strategy. In studying these cases, the course addresses both the internal and external dimensions of EU diplomacy. Internally, the relevant inter-institutional relations between the European External Action Service, the European Commission and the Council, as well as the European Parliament are illustrated. Externally, the range of CFSP and external relations means employed by the EU as well as the expectations and perceptions that foreign actors have of EU diplomacy in normal times and under conditions of crisis are discussed. Specific practices such as actor analysis through foresight and intelligence, political reporting and social media communication will also be illustrated. Overall, the course intends to encourage holistic thinking on how the EU can make best use of its leverage across policy areas to achieve maximum external impact.

Professor: Gunnar WIEGAND

ECTS CARD 2024-2025