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LÖBLOVÁ O. - European Health Policy (8h)

Professor Olga LÖBLOVÁ

This workshop focuses on the evolution and current key topics in the EU’s health policy from academic and practical points of view.

The first part of the course will present a historical overview of EU action in health, including a debate of the EU’s role in the COVID-19 crisis. It will present EU competences in numerous areas directly or indirectly making health policy: public health, the Single Market and consumer protection, fiscal governance. The first day will feature short practical exercises aimed at developing skills useful for graduate jobs in the Brussels’ and European health sector. By the end of the session, students will be able to identify and discuss some of the most salient current issues and stakeholders in EU health policy.

The second part will be centered around a practical in-class exercise around the topic of the Health Technology Assessment Regulation. Students will receive dossiers with background information on the issue and will be asked to develop plausible interest representation strategies for different stakeholders. The exercise should give the students a taste of the day-to-day of advocacy and lobbying in Brussels and support them in their career considerations. The session will include video interventions from early to mid-career professionals (often College alumni) working in the health sector to present a variety of health-related career options. We will talk about COVID-19 but the focus of the workshop is on more traditional topics.

No preparation for the class in advance is required. All readings and materials will be distributed in class.